View Full Version : EASA-land helipads and (EC) 139/214 directive

28th Nov 2014, 08:49
(EC) 139/2014 directive

Just wondering if anyone here have local EASA land experience, regarding application of 139/2014 on public helipads?

Link to directive -> http://eur-lex.europa.eu/LexUriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=OJ:L:2014:044:0001:0034:EN:PDF

29th Nov 2014, 11:03
"1) ‘aerodrome’ means a defined area (including any buildings, installations and equipment) on land or water or on a fixed, fixed offshore or floating structure intended to be used either wholly or in part for the arrival, departure and"

I think it means I have to employ 75 people in my garden?

John R81
29th Nov 2014, 14:31
And in any case the take-off / stop distance of my helicopter is 0m.