View Full Version : Plane crashes in house - wake turbulence?

24th Jun 2014, 17:52
A sad accident in Minnesota near St. Cloud: A small plane goes down. Possibly due to a wake turbulence of an Allegiant A319. Two died in the smal plane: A airliner cargo pilot from Sun Country and a 16-y-exchange student from Germany.
Sun Country pilot and friend killed in Sauk Rapids crash - KMSP-TV (http://www.myfoxtwincities.com/story/25841336/sun-country-pilot-and-friend-killed-in-sauk-rapids-crash)

Witness to deadly Sauk Rapids plane crash talks of 2nd aircraft | Star Tribune (http://www.startribune.com/local/264125501.html)

Deutscher Schüler stirbt bei Flugzeugabsturz in den USA - News Ausland - Bild.de (http://www.bild.de/news/ausland/flugzeugabsturz/deutscher-austauschschueler-tot-bei-flugzeugabsturz-36515818.bild.html)