View Full Version : Deviated Nose Septum

15th Jun 2014, 03:45
Hello Everyone,

The Doctor I consulted told me that I have Deviated Nose Septum hence, my left nostril is completely blocked (momentarily) and it keeps alternating with the other remaining. Sometimes both are free.
How big a hurdle is this (if it is in the first place) for Class 1 medicals of DGCA (India).

15th Jun 2014, 11:57
Can't tell you about Indian medicals but a deviated septum will cause a consistent blockage of the nose on the side it deviates to. If you have an infection or other causes of a blocked nose which lead to swelling of the lining you may notice it more, but otherwise it cannot change because it is hard bone!!!!

Treatment is a simple operation called a septoplasty where the bone that is deviated is straightened. Takes 15 minutes under a general anaesthetic, home the same day, then a week of a blocked nose.

All you need is a septoplasty so beware doctors advising a turbinectomy which removes the leaf like turbinates in the nose. This can cause significant bleeding

Beware too doctors telling you to also have a rhinoplasty which is a much bigger operation and is rarely necessary.

15th Jun 2014, 18:15
Thank you so much for the information.
Yeah I heard about the procedure my doc advised a laser beam very simple procedure only want to do it if its really required.

16th Jun 2014, 21:42
No not a laser, just a simple scalpel and forceps. Laser causes a burn and the scar retracts causing potential long term complications.

17th Jun 2014, 05:59
You need to keep your nose when all around you are losing theirs.http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2008/10/12/article-0-02168608000005DC-917_233x248.jpg
It has been my experience in medicine that sometimes the short and sweet method leads to much greater long term problems than a little transient pain and discomfort.

The Range
17th Jun 2014, 19:46
About 27 years ago I had a cold and my right ear would get blocked when taking an elevator. I went to a renown ear doctor. He told me I had a deviated nose septum and that I needed surgery. I didn't take his advice and I haven't had any problems since. I avoid flying with a cold. But, every case is different.

17th Jun 2014, 20:56
He was pulling your ear, er leg.

Nasal septum has nothing to do with ear issues. Despite blowing being a method of clearing a blocked ear, a deviated septum causes nasal not ear symptoms

3rd Jul 2014, 12:03
I had septoplasty and a clean out of infected sinus's plus bone removal last year. All stemmed for a broken nose in my teens. I was totally blocked in my left nostril. I was warned the op would take it out of me and it did......i was grounded for 3 months. The operation was a complete success.....day one post op they had to pull out the packs which was gruesome, then the stents out of my nose a week later. Took me a long time to get right but i have full airways to both nostrils and no post nasal drip which was a curse with constant gunge traveling down my stomach giving me numerous episodes of h pylori.

All fixed......if your surgeon says you need septoplasty.....do it.....bit nasty post op but pain killers are a gift....its onwards and upwards after....

3rd Jul 2014, 13:22
How do you have numerous episodes of Heliobactor Pylori?

I assume you had the HP test, and if diagnosed it is a simple thing to eradicate, and it doesn't recur.

3rd Jul 2014, 19:56
Bearcat had a FESS as well as a septoplasty. Most patients only take a few days to recover from even FESS but a septoplasty is far less invasive so don't be put off by his experience.