View Full Version : EU-Reg 1178/2011 MED.B.070 Visual System vs. Myopticism vs. class 1 medical

20th Apr 2014, 18:46
As of 8.4.2013 EU-Reg 1178/2011 http://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/PDF/?uri=CELEX:02011R1178-20120408&qid=1397930709721
is the sole source for FCL requirements.

Section MED.B.070 specifies the eyesight limits for obtaining a medical of class 1, as certain "distant visual acuity" limits with or without correction.

The whole document lacks any reference to max. uncorrected myoptic dioptries (as did the old JAR FCL 3.xxx, -6/+5 dioptres)

Is it therefore correct that even with say -10 dioptres (myoptic) one can be assigen a class 1 medical as long as his "distant visual acuity" is at least 0.7 per single eye and at least 1.0 with both eyes?

If not where do I find the mandated Part-MED dioptre limits?


PS: please reassign if there is a more suitable forum for that question?

20th Apr 2014, 20:46
Medical & Health - PPRuNe Forums (http://www.pprune.org/medical-health-62/)

20th Apr 2014, 20:58
thx. reposted over there.