View Full Version : Just a question about eyesight :D

8th Apr 2014, 17:27
hello guys, its my dream to pursue the career of a airline pilot I have a quick question for the JAR Class 1 medical certificate it says

"Your visual acuity (measured by your ability to see, in this case, lines of letters on a chart at 6 metres) must be at least 6/9 in each eye separately and 6/6 using both eyes together, with or without glasses or contact lenses (correction). If you need correction the refractive error (the amount of correction) must not exceed +5.00 dioptres of long sight or -6.00 dioptres of short sight."
Okay im short sighted -2.50 in each eye, im not sure how to interpret the -6.00 of short sight does that mean -6.00 in each eye or in both eyes put together? help!!
I guess this sound really pathetic or I sound stupid?
Thanks in advance

10th Apr 2014, 18:03
You're okay on that James, what they mean is each eye separately must be between +5.00 and -6.00, -2.50 in each eye is fine so long as you wear correction. You must be pretty good at making models and fixing electronics! I'm -2.50 in one eye, which can be useful.

11th Apr 2014, 14:39
FAA just says you have to have a degree of eyesight with or without correction. Our CAA has more, unnecessarily stringent requirements. Given that they fly in the same airspace I believe this is discrimination on the grounds of disability and given enough spare time I would pursue out of principle.

11th Apr 2014, 21:14
But even so I still come under the restrictions I can still apply?