View Full Version : Is Oxford Aviation good value for money?

5th Apr 2014, 14:54
I read lots of posts on pprune saying Oxford/Jerez/CTC courses are 30-40% overpriced because of their airline relationships.

But I just read the article below which says Oxford's profit margin is only 2.5%?:
CAE?s $314M deal for Oxford Aviation Academy has analysts divided | Financial Post (http://business.financialpost.com/2012/05/17/caes-314m-deal-for-oxford-aviation-academy-has-analysts-divided/)

Is it the case that Oxford/Jerez/CTC courses are just more expensive because they have better equipment, lower staff/student ratios, less rushed courses etc?

5th Apr 2014, 16:57
Is Oxford Aviation good value for money?

Surely it is if you get that first job out of it....

this is my username
6th Apr 2014, 10:21
... or they spend a lot of money on marketing, admin, directors salaries etc etc and other overheads which have no direct benefit to you as a student.

I have no idea whether that is the case or not, but just because they are spending a lot of money it doesn't automatically mean that they are spending it on things which matter to you.

6th Apr 2014, 10:38
The profit from any organisation can be moved very easily.

And they have huge overheads compared to mod schools.

As for value if your on a tagged place yes they are as you have job at the end if you don't screw anything up or piss anyone off.

If your not tagged you have to hope you get one of these rare in course upgrades. Again see the point above about not screwing up anything or pissing people off.

If you end up like the other 800 new cpl/ir holders that year out on your arse in the job market its extremely poor value.

We will no doudt have the intergrated marketing guru come along now saying his company has taken on loads of none tagged. Which is less than 1% of those coming out every year.

So it depends on luck more than anything else. Even if you are ace of base if you get in the bad books your stuffed.

16th Apr 2014, 12:35
I understand that Oxford carries out nearly all the single engine training phase in Arizona in America, this means that "stage of the training" should be cheaper than if conducted in the UK. Therefore it is apparent the cost saving from this isn't passed on to the student.

As some one mentioned profits can be easily hidden with creative accounting.