View Full Version : Recent events effect on flying schools

15th Nov 2001, 17:31
How are the smaller flying schools and clubs coping after the recent tradgedies, has business been badly affected? Are new students still signing up? And what about trial lessons and pleasure flights? The reason I ask is because I'm just about to put money into a suspense account and I'm concerned.

Guy Bowen
15th Nov 2001, 18:00
I am in the same situation and am hoping to start an intergrated course early next year. From what I have gathered there are good an bad points about wanting to start a flying career at the moment. Whilst many of the smaller flying clubs have gone under, the demand at the more bigger training schools has remained fairly constant. The only exception being the withdrawal of airline sponsorship schemes.
Having spoken to a number of professionals they predict the market to recover within 2 years, which hopefully will be right on time for someone hoping to finish their training in 18 - 20 months time. But as everyone else keeps saying you can only predict - there is no real certainty.

16th Nov 2001, 02:35
having been involved within the flying schools/clubs for the past 10 years one would hope that they will be able to sustain quite a bit. i say this because it is "said" to move in 6 year cycle's so the clubs and schools should have already experienced good and bad times and for those that are still here must have the right idea.

a lot of them run with very few fixed costs such as staff etc and in the winter they expect less and plan more - still hard times though.

there is little if any correlation between trial lessons and learning to fly. how many you sell depends on the time of year (e.g. christmas). if any turn into students - nice bit of luck.

if you are looking for advise of if it is a good time to start towards an ATPL - no time is good - no time is bad!! name another job you have to spend serious amounts of money just to be turned down and end up as an instructor earning all of £15 (if you're lucky) per hour when the weather is nice.

the best advise is to get on and do it but be prepared to wait around anywhere from 6 months and 5 years. i have seen many pilots just waiting and many of my friends are still waiting for that lucky break.

the bottom line is there is nothing like it - an office in the sky - a job doing something that is truly fantastic and brilliant. when/if you get the job it will all be worth it.

good luck and happy flying ;) ;)