View Full Version : Another car insurance question

2nd Feb 2014, 12:41
Reading the "cars airside" thread reminded me of a different issue.

In the US it is common practice to offer visiting pilots use of a 'courtesy car', usually an old jalopy with broken a/c or similar, in return for buying fuel or something.

No FBO has ever asked me if I have insurance. They just give you the keys. They may say they have insurance but I wonder if that covers me? I believe that a US national with car insurance is covered but UK car cover certainly doesn't extend over there.

It's been said that you can get a UK policy to cover this, but the companies I've contacted say cover is restricted to rental cars, not loaners. So I haven't found any way short buying and insuring a car there. And I bet you need a zip code before you can do that!

Ideas, anyone? (in some states it's illegal to drive without insurance and it's always unwise because you are obviously far more likely to have a traffic accident than an airside one).