View Full Version : Great video on carrier ops

Fat Magpie
14th Jan 2014, 17:36
Maintenance of the steam catapult must have been a dog.


14th Jan 2014, 19:40
Good effective film from 1960. Wonder where the RN is up to now with planning for running the next generation?

14th Jan 2014, 20:00
At least maintaining the Catapults will be less a burden!

14th Jan 2014, 20:15
Do modern carriers still have the Howdah?

14th Jan 2014, 22:25
How Dah? Is that like Irish for how's ya fadder?

Installations on the Flight Deck (http://navysite.de/cvn/flightdeck.htm)

Apparently now the: "The Integrated Catapult Control Station (ICCS)" or 'the bubble' less thrilling indeed otherwise a "Remote Station" can be used. Photo of an 'ick' below:

CLOSEUP: http://www.murdoconline.net/pics/ICCS.jpg Click Link


Cue the 'Baby Efelant Walk' Musick:

https://www.google.com.au/search?q=Howdah+Elephant&rls=com.microsoft:en-AU&rlz=1I7GGNI_enAU567&tbm=isch&source=iu&imgil=iNl6JJwd_-aQBM%253A%253Bhttps%253A%252F%252Fencrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com%252Fimages%253Fq%253Dtbn%253AANd9GcTY9aXnvg dYEEst_QF16VRaL_2_ltcOf5mY5FZ4My74rcaJcV2-%253B1775%253B2500%253BvIo1XOIMeYoTUM%253Bhttp%25253A%25252F %25252Fcommons.wikimedia.org%25252Fwiki%25252FFile%25253AA_d ecorated_elephant_with_a_howdah_on_its_back.jpg&sa=X&ei=NMfVUoD0A4j8iAfDiYDQDA&ved=0CDwQ9QEwAg&biw=1536&bih=680#facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=iNl6JJwd_-aQBM%253A%3BvIo1XOIMeYoTUM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fupload.wikim edia.org%252Fwikipedia%252Fcommons%252F9%252F91%252FA_decora ted_elephant_with_a_howdah_on_its_back.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F% 252Fcommons.wikimedia.org%252Fwiki%252FFile%253AA_decorated_ elephant_with_a_howdah_on_its_back.jpg%3B1775%3B2500

Ye Olde Melburnian HowDeDooDe:



Fat Magpie
15th Jan 2014, 06:34
Do modern carrier still use a holdback pole thing or what is the modern replacement. When the aircraft is hooked up to the catapult, engines at military thrust or whatever, brakes off, what stops the plane moving off.

15th Jan 2014, 06:51
'THING' the navysite.de above (rptd below) link has good info:

Installations on the Flight Deck (http://navysite.de/cvn/flightdeck.htm)

Various old aircraft had bits and pieces to hold 'em before they fold 'em. Some even failed prematurely which was never nice. But that is another story altogether.... In these 'suckbackintheholdback' cases the actual 'THING' hand poppin' up would have been nice:


Below is the NoseGearHoldEm:


http://i98.photobucket.com/albums/l261/SpazSinbad/NewerAlbum/Image1150.jpg~original (http://s98.photobucket.com/user/SpazSinbad/media/NewerAlbum/Image1150.jpg.html)

15th Jan 2014, 19:28
RN is asleep on the training of the flight deck crews - hardly surprising looking at the state of the FAA, but its very true (I know)!

Where's the new dummy deck going to be?
When do they start training with it? (When do they start building it?).

Answers from a FAA staff officer please (!!).

15th Jan 2014, 20:13
So did Big F tell the Captain a porky? "Well Sir, if we launch the 1030 serial at 1045...."

Then Big F says to Little F, "We have to delay the 1030 serial by 30 minutes...."