View Full Version : B-1B Down Montana

19th Aug 2013, 23:08
Air Force bomber crashes in Montana ? CNN Security Clearance - CNN.com Blogs (http://security.blogs.cnn.com/2013/08/19/air-force-bomber-crashes-in-montana/?hpt=hp_t2)

...seems crew OK...

20th Aug 2013, 02:08
Updated coverage here (http://www.argusleader.com/viewart/20130819/UPDATES/130819012/Crew-members-survived-B1-B-bomber-crash-Montana-by-ejecting).
All 4 got out - photos of parachutes and a large patch of scorched Montana prairie where the Bone speared in.

20th Aug 2013, 02:12
Certainly didn't leave much of the aircraft together.

20th Aug 2013, 08:48
I see from the photos that someone arrived on horseback.

20th Aug 2013, 08:49
Yes, I noticed that.

Well it is Montana ;)

20th Aug 2013, 12:03
where the Bone speared in.

Did it 'spear in' or come down flat.
It might be my imagination but in the photos of the scorch marks I can make out the outline of the aircraft as if it had arrived in a flat spin and the burnt out. Also notice the tail sitting some distance away.

20th Aug 2013, 14:54
No crater. Would put my money on it came down flat. Lack of significant crew injuries also points to low speed ejection.

21st Aug 2013, 01:04
I stand corrected.