View Full Version : Flying in the UK on FAA PPLh

16th Aug 2013, 11:37
Hi Guys!

I just got my FAA helicopter private license. I studied for it in the USA and am now home hoping to do some flying in the UK.

I was under the impression that the 2/3 rule would allow me to fly in the UK in a UK reg helicopter on my FAA license, but my local flight school have said otherwise.

Their argument was as follows : 'if anyone can fly in the UK in a UK aircraft on any international license, why wouldn't we all just go over to the USA and study where its cheaper'.
(Well, because then you wouldn't be allowed to fly into Europe on a G-reg aircraft)

This would mean that if a US pilot came over to the UK, they would be unable to rent an aircraft unless it were N-registered. Also, that UK pilots wouldn't be able to rent an N-reg in the USA.

Does anyone have any extra information on this?
I can't seem to find the CAA/EASA regulation for this particular rule.

Thanks for reading!

16th Aug 2013, 15:17
FAQ Answer | EASA Transition | Personal Licences and Training (http://www.caa.co.uk/default.aspx?catid=2330&pagetype=70&gid=2134&faqid=1307)

16th Aug 2013, 22:49
The other alternative is for you to convert your FAA to JAA/EASA. Not a great deal to do and if you need to do some exams ask Derek Davidson at Bournemouth.

Camp Freddie
17th Aug 2013, 05:37
When I was a flying school manager (a long time ago) this question kept coming up, and although it was technically possible, we declined to allow SFH to FAA holders for a few reasons.
1) we didn't want hassle with insurance should something go wrong.
2) there was no money in it for the school as SFH had a small margin.
3) the pilots were always unknown quantities to us and from our point of view trained to different standards
4) the was not so likely to be an ongoing "relationship" with the school.

People forget that trust needs to be built up between the school and the student, and as people do more you give you give them more latitude.

17th Aug 2013, 08:58
Thanks for the reply.

I understand that they may not want to rent out to me, but that is not what they are saying. They are saying that it isn't even legal/possible.

I plan on having a long relationship with this flight school as they are local and I flew with them a few times before I got my FAA license. I do hope to convert one day to a European license.

Before they rent to me I want to have a few lessons flying in the UK airspace as the telephony is completely different to the USA.

All I need to know is that it is legal to fly in the UK in a UK registered aircraft on an FAA license, because then I can build a relationship with the school from there.

The reply above from the FAQ section is great! thank you very much!

But it says the permanent validations will only be until 8th of April 2014?
And then after that the validations have to be issued individually.

17th Aug 2013, 09:48
I'm afraid EASA dictates now that to fly in the UK on a UK reg you must have EASA licence...

It was feasible to fly g reg on your FAA but apparently no longer. This info was from a recent examiners seminar I attended with the CAA & CFE in attendance, so would hope they know what they're talking about.

Kind regards.

18th Aug 2013, 18:09
Yes you can fly G reg on your FAA ticket until April 2014 and then for another year with a validation . It's all nonsense ....

Thomas coupling
18th Aug 2013, 20:08
It's actually 2 years after april 2014. But private flights only. You have missedcthe commercial deadline by a year.

18th Aug 2013, 22:02
I thought you have to get validated for an individual aircraft after April 2014 and you cannot get a second validation .... Is that wrong ?