View Full Version : CRM instructor courses

25th May 2013, 12:57
Hi everyone there! ;)

I would like to know where can i find any professional course in order to either improve my knowloedge or either and better to get a qualification as CRM instructor.

Anyone of you can give me details and/or share his/her own experience?

Just to confine the search, i live and work in Europe. So anything in the old continent would be easier..

Thank you all, :ok:

25th May 2013, 13:34
If you do a search for CRMI there will be a few things out there.

Don't know about any in central Europe I am afraid.

25th May 2013, 13:51
Jap thank you,

It's only that making a simple search on internet i get 100's of results..i was just curious if anyone had already experiences around!