View Full Version : Truck crashing into main rotor

16th Feb 2013, 07:51
Not as spectacular as it could be - the main rotor was standing still.
Happened yesterday in Austria (Carinthia) when a truck driver, delivering gas bottles, reversed. RK1 [BK 117-C1] needs a new blade now. According to the following news article the damage is 300000-800000 Eur. Could buy a couple of Robinsons instead :}
Lkw rammte Rettungshubschrauber - kaernten.ORF.at (http://kaernten.orf.at/news/stories/2571770/)

16th Feb 2013, 09:42
NEVER let anyone drive near/next to a helicopter without a marshaller...

NEVER leave a helicopter on a road without someone standing there and watching it.....

16th Feb 2013, 10:22
My organisation here in the sandpit had a semi run in its main rotor whilst it was running on the scene of an EMS primary.....still unserviceable a couple of years down the track :}

16th Feb 2013, 11:06
NEVER leave a helicopter on a road without someone standing there and watching it..... According to the article it happened at the helicopter's base:ugh:

46°44'27.11"N 13°39'54.51"E

16th Feb 2013, 16:15
This incident could also have been a lot worse.

A fixed wing taxying into a stationary R44 at Wolverhampton Airport at the fuelling bay a few months ago.

Apparently taxying with misted up windscreen and did not see Helicopter.


16th Feb 2013, 17:05
And a similar incident from 2009:
Same type, same company, same cause but this time in Germany on a parking lot. Seems to be much more common than I would have thought...
Polizei Freiburg: Unfall: Lastwagen rammt Helikopter - badische-zeitung.de (http://www.badische-zeitung.de/polizei-freiburg/lastwagen-rammt-helikopter--9961679.html)