View Full Version : Science fiction weapons here today?

24th Dec 2012, 19:24
Latest toy from Boeing.

Large Video Player 686x436 (http://video.boeing.com/services/player/bcpid1173939806001?bckey=AQ~~%2cAAAAukPAlqE~%2coAVq1qtdRjwBr IkHYj2MSytJiEK9s5fy&bclid=0&bctid=1913200772001)

24th Dec 2012, 20:33
Best we all put a bit of earthed chicken wire around the computers then...thank goodness for Michael Faraday. :cool:

Lima Juliet
24th Dec 2012, 20:38
Yup, the inventions of Michael Faraday in the 19th Century have saved all our knackers every time we turn on the microwave oven!

I wonder if the inventors had Googled "Faraday's Cage"?*


* Other Search Engines are available...

24th Dec 2012, 20:45
Bring back clockwork aeroplanes. I seem to remember there was comment a few years back on how "agricultural" some of the Soviet aircraft were, and the thinking was that a thermonuclear blast could knock out FBW and all the other advanced stuff.

24th Dec 2012, 20:57
bring back the nav system off the tsr2...

24th Dec 2012, 21:09
Nothing really new, we've been designing mil equipment to be nuclear emp hardened for decades now. This is a demo of a compact targetable system which can knock out unguarded civilian-type hardware. Very good achievement but a long way to go before it becomes usable and, importantly, verifiable.

How 'Revolutionary' Is CHAMP, New Air Force Microwave Weapon? (http://defense.aol.com/2012/11/28/how-revolutionary-is-champ-new-air-force-microwave-weapon/)

Buster Hyman
24th Dec 2012, 21:21
This'll show those Taliban who's the boss eh?