View Full Version : UK fATPL, CAP804 & EASA

Baron Von Mildred
7th Dec 2012, 10:16
I have been working outside of JAR/EASAland for some years and have just been trying to make sense of all 850 pages of CAP804. :ugh:

I hold (at least I did hold) a UK CPL/IR with ATPL credits from pre-JAR (1992). Aside from probably having the most perma-frosted ATPL exams, I believe my licence to be up for renewal. I have not received anything from CAA, presumably due to the dodgey postal service where I now reside.

My UK licence has SEP, MEP, FI, & microlight rating (from the days when 3 axis microlights were deemed not to be aeroplanes!) I currently fly a variety of SEP & MEP types, but my ratings page has not been kept up to date in my UK CPL.

I think it may already be too late in that without warning the CAA removed the credit formerly given for ICAO IR holders to renew their IRs. So, if I were to attempt to renew my licence to EASA rules would I need both EASA CPL and UK CPL to retain priviledges on sub-EASA aircraft? Or would I need to apply also for a NPPL?

Would any EASA CPL issued retain my ATPL credits pending possible resolution of the current impass on those coming back from ICAOland not being able to renew their IRs?

All advice gratefully recieved!!