View Full Version : HowWear often is anti icing used, remote deicing.

1st Dec 2012, 12:31
I recently visited munich where they use remote de icing areas. Weather was about -1 with light rain/snow. On departure the aircraft was de iced.

After deicing, the wings were sprayed with green anti icing, I cannot recall this being done before in the UK? How often is anti icing used? I understand that is increases the holdover time, however with remote de-icing at the end of the runway, is anti icing usually needed?

As a rough guide, what would the cost be of deice/anti ice at Munich for an A321?

2nd Dec 2012, 00:10
Approx. cost =2500 euros in Munich for a A321.

As to why the de-ice procedures are done that way -

"One-step and two-step procedures
The thin Type I fluid has a very short hold-over time, and is used at sub-zero temperatures both for de-icing and for protection against the formation of new ice. Because only one application of Type I is necessary, we speak of a one-step procedure.

However, if there is any form of freezing precipitation (fog, mist, snowfall), the two-step procedure is required. First the aircraft is de-iced with Type I to remove all frost, ice, snow or slush. Next, Type IV is sprayed on the cleaned surfaces to protect the aircraft against the formation of new ice before take-off. Type IV forms a heavy film on horizontal surfaces, and consequently has a longer hold-over time than Type I.

If take-off is delayed beyond the hold-over time, the de-icing procedure must be repeated to protect the aircraft against the formation of new ice. The hold-over time then begins again."

More info:





3rd Dec 2012, 05:36
Depends on the wx conditions.

Most of the time in the UK its actually not that cold in the grandscale of things and usually a de-ice procedure is enough to get you to the runway and air bourne.

If it gets colder and you have freezing fog or the like the hold over time drops to single figures with just a de-ice procedure. The hold over time starts from the moment you squirt. So it may well be that they won't finish the aircraft by the time the hold over time is up.

We try and avoid using an anti-ice procedure because its pretty horrible stuff and also there is usually engineering inspections to be done on arrival after using it. The thick fluid goes into the control hinges and drys forming a gel which can restrict the controls. We try and avoid using it if possible.