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Captain Garmin
30th Nov 2012, 00:09
Possible Largest Ever Black Hole Found | NGC 1277 | Leviathan (http://www.theage.com.au/technology/sci-tech/recordbreaking-black-hole-found-20121129-2ail4.html)

Eg Why are they moving the Briefing guys from Brisbane to Canberra at huge expense and office fitout? ... beacause previous CEO wanted centralisation in Canberra strategy to fund a better windowed corner office. Not suprising the fitout budget was exhausted on his own floor and the briefing guys were on plastic chairs whilst new money sought. Now found. Where - from us all.

30th Nov 2012, 01:47
So how many of the BN staff are moving / prepared to move to CB..??

"Redundancies' for those who choose not to go to CB..??

Another 'watershed' of experienced staff?

And this is going to cost how many $'s, and be 'passed on' no doubt(?)

Methinks the egos of the few are getting in the way of the many....