View Full Version : EASA Rating Renewal Question

29th Nov 2012, 19:30

Im looking for some advice on something. I have trawled EASA FCL and CAP804 and I cannot find the answer. The lovely CAA were not really sure, they think it might be correct.

I renewed my expired MEP and MEIR(A) that expired in September of this year.
I had to undergo training at the ATO (which I found out was not required if the ATO assesed the individual as upto standard). Then I completed the Skills Test for the MEP and IR together. The examiner signed my ratings page of my expired ratings.

He did this because it said in big letters at the top of the page that if the rating has not expired by more than 3 years, and provided the rating is still on the cover, he can sign it again to renew it, making no fee and application to the CAA.

I would like to see it somewhere else to keep my mind at ease. Anyone else come across it?

Best Regards,


29th Nov 2012, 19:41
Ahh, All found eventually in Standards Doc 14.

Its a nice change from JAR! Makes the renewal process a lot easier.

29th Nov 2012, 19:58
Under JAR there was no requirement to go to an ATO so how can it be easier?

29th Nov 2012, 20:37
Because if your rating had expired, you had to complete the paperwork and send it to to the CAA who would issue a new ratings page attracting a fee?

Or am I wrong? Could Examiners sign an expired rating in the time of the JAA?

29th Nov 2012, 22:30
I'm not sure about MEP, but under JAR SEP could be revalidated with an examiner's signatures if the rating had expired 5 years or less. The CAA only issued a new page if the expiration was greater than 5 years.