View Full Version : LH and TK to merge?

Victor Inox
21st Nov 2012, 05:26
Increasing noise level in the German media regarding a possible merger between LH and TK:

Warum sich Lufthansa mit Turkish Airlines zusammentun könnten - SPIEGEL ONLINE (http://www.spiegel.de/wirtschaft/unternehmen/warum-sich-lufthansa-mit-turkish-airlines-zusammentun-koennten-a-867548.html)

The rationale seems to be that LH (as do many other European operators) see themselves being strangled by government regulation, whereas their competitors in the ME are seen to be actively promoted and supported by their respective governments. The same, according to LH, applies to TK.

21st Nov 2012, 07:07
Looks like a closer partnership, not like a merger.

21st Nov 2012, 14:03
I don't think they will merge (at least until Turkey join the EU), but it looks like they form a close partnership, which a good thing since they would make very good partners

22nd Nov 2012, 00:11
Bit of a pattern emerging here with partnerships, close co-operation, joint services, etc.: EK and QF, BA and QR, LH and TK.....?

AF and EY anyone?

22nd Nov 2012, 08:13
Linking BA and QR might be a tad premature.