View Full Version : The APU Generator

13th Nov 2012, 21:41
On vacating the runway the captain will place the speedbrake lever in the down detent unless flap damage has occurred or is suspected. This is a signal for the co-pilot to select flaps up. When clear of the active runway and look out requirements permit, the pilot in the right-hand seat will carry out the after-landing scan. Items to be included are:

Radar/transponder -standby/off
Stab Trim -20%
Auto Brake -off
Landing lights -as required
Start switches -off
Pitot heat -off
Anti-icing -as required. (Engine on if contaminated taxiways etc)
APU if required -start
APU Generator -on buses

What does it mean by on buses? i presume its something to do with the avionics bus


13th Nov 2012, 23:08
It means selecting the APU generator to power the electrical systems (busses).
Depending on a/c type and the logic used, one usually has to select to an alternate electrical source (GPU,APU) before shutting the engines down. On some it's automatic.