View Full Version : BALPA's view on becoming an airline pilot.

27th Oct 2012, 06:23
Dreaming of becoming a pilot? - YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=DyZxahxMD2Q)

27th Oct 2012, 07:25
I have always felt that when a company is making money out of you and then have the cheek to make you pay for a type rating that is tax deductible anyway is absolutely disgraceful. The excuse that "you will only go to another company" is risible - I would if a company had that attitude!

My stepdaughter went through £50Ks' worth of training for the insurance industry, and there was no question of paying it back or working for minimum times, etc etc.

Well done BALPA!

27th Oct 2012, 07:49
I watched this video after it was referenced in the thread about OAA.
Very interesting to watch. As a new student it's good to get the information from a source seperate to the flight schools.

27th Oct 2012, 16:56
The video is good.

But no good unless its content makes national news and something is done.

Which I fear will not happen, as the perception of pilots is; highly paid, little work, really posh people.