View Full Version : When I gain my pilot's licence will I be able to get work?

9th Apr 2002, 14:07
I have been looking at flying courses in USA trying to get my commercial pilot licence. However I am thinking about job prospects at the end of the course. The courses are expensive and I want to be sure that it won't be a waste of time and money.
Now I am thinking of possible problems, for instance my nationality, I am polish and currently living in England on the stiudent visa. At the moment the aviation industry within Poland is still limited therefore it is likely that I will have to consider work outside of Poland in order to find a suitable position as a pilot.
I feel that it is very important that I choose the correct course so that airlines will consider it a worthy qualification.
Any advice from any quarter will be much appreciated.

Thanks, Chris.

9th Apr 2002, 14:38
A long course at British Aerospace, Jerez, Spain for a JAR licence is worth considering.

Also, Oxford in the UK.

9th Apr 2002, 21:51
a great many pilots, in many countries across Europe, have been made unemployed over the last few months. With the best will in the world, it's going to be a considerable time before thse pilots are re-absorbed into the system. For now, there are around 10% fewer pilot jobs in Europe than there were before 9/11.

Since September, the various flying schools have continued to pump out hundreds of low-hour frozen ATPL-qualified pilots into this pool of unemployment, and there are many hundreds more in the pipeline. So, on the face of it, things don't look optimistic.

That said, the low-cost sector is undergoing tremendous growth just now, and will soon run out of their preferred type-qualified recruits. They will then have to cast their nets somewhat wider, and I have already heard tell of one or two lucky low-hour candidates who have received job offers. The major airlines are also reporting better-than-expected recovery, and many have taken back some of those they laid off.

One swallow does not a summer make; it's going to be some time before we can say that there is a reasonable chance of finding employment in the airline industry in Europe. But you have to make your decision sometime, and I'd advise you to time your entry to the market sometime around 2004 - if you have a choice.

Best of luck

10th Apr 2002, 09:43
Hi there, the main problem is being Polish I reckon. Until Poland joins the EU it is extremly unlikely you will get a job as a low hour CPL/ATPL. Is it not possible to get a Polish licence (CPL etc) work in Poland over the next few years and when either Poland has joined the EU or you have specific flying qualities / experience you can move. Another upside to that is that a rating in Poland should be cheaper than a JAA licence which you cannot utilise for the moment..

Good luck