View Full Version : Advice needed on local Integrated course!

12th Aug 2012, 05:13
Hi all, I'm 24 this year and will be graduating from my foundation degree course in aircraft engineering in a month's time. I have this dream like most of the people here, to be a commercial pilot in a local airline. I have totally ZERO flight experience, and wearing glasses with quite a high degree (approx 550 for each side).

There are very few aviation schools available in my area and so far, STAA is what i've found that offers full-time IATP course (no modular option in my country :() but at a hefty price tag of SGD$200,000 after taxes and such. The course will be 18 mths minimum with 5 mths of basic flying in Australia and the rest done locally.

They have an airline scheme but they will only send you for the interview after ground school (first 6 mths, total course duration 18 mths).

In the event that I pass the airline interview, I will be guaranteed a job after I graduate, get a A320 type rating be flying happily.
In the other unfortunate event if I didn't get selected in the interview, I would only get a CPL but without any type rating. Cost of this other option will drop to SGD$150,000.

Comments please?