View Full Version : Instructor rating and job prospects in UK

19th Jul 2012, 16:00
Hi, can somebody tell me about the job prospects as an instructor in the UK. Starting pay for a FI(R).

19th Jul 2012, 18:40
Troll? :}

The market isn't great if you don't already know someone or have a lot of experience in UK airspace. It never has been, and probably never will be.

The pay is usually pretty poor. Somewhere around £20-£25 an hour with 40-50 hours a month being the average. Packages vary with some schools offering a small retainer, but usually pretty low.

The further north you go the more opportunities you will find, until you reach Wick.

19th Jul 2012, 20:57
SW England currently expect 20 pounds/hr unrestricted FI...5 to 3 pph less if you're restricted. Knowing someone inside or having a personal contact almost always essential.