View Full Version : Modular JAR FATPL

V1 VR V2
16th Jul 2012, 13:35
Just a topic that has been concerning me now for some time. With all the new schemes coming into effect from flight schools and the new apprenticepilot scheme offered by the UK to supposedly close the gap of skilled peopleand break down the barriers to becoming a pilot with a shortage in the market?! Along with the differences in licences such as the MPL etc. is the modularroute to becoming a pilot now irrelevant?

If training by the other means are you more than 80% more likely to get anytype of job over a CPL MEIR on a modular route. I trained modular in 2009 when I received my JAR CPL, I managed to secure atemp aerial survey flying job for 6 months helping build my experience. Since then I have had no luck on anything and I am involved in the industryfrom a flight safety side and see guys with 200hrs getting jobs I got rejectedfor. The difference is they are MPL and not modular so is this the only wayforward to now getting a job and am I like many others caught in a void that is now irrelevant?