View Full Version : CHC & Airbus Military Win the Spanish SAR contract

13th Jul 2012, 10:12
google translator...

AD sources have confirmed finally, throughout the week, from Monday as stakeholders knew (had four nominations on principle), that the intention of building is awarded to the consortium of Airbus Military rescue Martitimo in Spain contest. A hard drubbing for the INAER company, and that according to sources in the absence of contrast the information, the successful tenderer must find some formula to fulfil the contract, given that an AOC, now will be required do not know if you have it the aforementioned Consortium. Other "wetleasing" type formulas may be valuing, and having to have the appropriate authorizations. In any case the races to arrive on time at the DGAC, EFSA, etc... they are warranted.

Anyone have more info???

13th Jul 2012, 11:19
Ammendment to the article also says that the current employees will be "TUPEd" into the next company.

El concurso de SASEMAR se adjudica al consorcio Airbus Military (http://www.aviaciondigitalglobal.com/noticia.asp?NotId=19559&NotDesignId=4)

13th Jul 2012, 12:48

Airbus Military is dealing with planes (CN235 for SAR missions), not helicopters.

14th Jul 2012, 06:00
Traductor de Google (http://translate.google.es/translate?sl=es&tl=en&js=n&prev=_t&hl=es&ie=UTF-8&layout=2&eotf=1&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.aviaciondigitalglobal.com%2Fnoticia.asp%3 FNotId%3D19559%26NotDesignId%3D4&act=url)

Inaer lost revenues of around EUR 45 million See discussion (6) (http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?act=url&hl=es&ie=UTF8&prev=_t&rurl=translate.google.es&sl=es&tl=en&twu=1&u=http://www.aviaciondigitalglobal.com/noticia.asp%3FNotId%3D19559%26NotDesignId%3D4&usg=ALkJrhhidldZSgQ5PptZvW1_fL-n5wCJ-Q#) http://www.aviaciondigitalglobal.com/images/debates.gif (http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?act=url&hl=es&ie=UTF8&prev=_t&rurl=translate.google.es&sl=es&tl=en&twu=1&u=http://www.aviaciondigitalglobal.com/noticia.asp%3FNotId%3D19559%26NotDesignId%3D4&usg=ALkJrhhidldZSgQ5PptZvW1_fL-n5wCJ-Q#) The contest is awarded to the consortium SASEMAR Airbus Military and CHC Aviaciondigit @ l http://helimer.es/sites/default/files/images/aw139-salvamento-maritimo.jpg FLASH AD / Workers shall be subrogated to the new company. Sources have confirmed AD finally all week from Monday, had knowledge of stakeholders (there were four candidates in the beginning), that the intent of Development is awarding the consortium of Airbus Military + CHC (http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?act=url&hl=es&ie=UTF8&prev=_t&rurl=translate.google.es&sl=es&tl=en&twu=1&u=http://www.chcsar.com/index.php%3Foption%3Dcom_content%26task%3Dview%26id%3D16%26I temid%3D30&usg=ALkJrhjJTw6cc-69k3pwsDw3mrYib-Vv7Q) 's contest Martítimo Rescue in Spain . A major setback for the company INAER, and according to a source indicates the absence of contrast information, the contractor must find a formula to meet the contract specifications, as the authorizations are required for this activity Aerial Work, in Right now we do not know if you have them the said consortium and must credit them in ten days from the award. Other formulas like "wetleasing" could be on valuing, and having to have the appropriate authorizations and technical-economic requirements specification. In any case races to be on time for the FAA, EASA, etc ... guaranteed these days, and labor issues should be resolved favorably for the workers.



Milo C
21st Jul 2012, 18:08
Where are the helicopter companies?

21st Jul 2012, 19:12
So what aircraft type will they be operating then?

Milo C
21st Jul 2012, 20:10
AW139 and EC 225 though

Milo C
21st Jul 2012, 20:22
...and CN235 also

31st Jul 2012, 14:35
Well, word is on the street that the competition is not a closed chapter....in support of that, INAER's recruiting process is still ongoing (at least for the 139 line with 4 pilots)...anybody able to provide more informations about whats going on?? :confused::confused::confused:

31st Jul 2012, 17:40
Inaer tries to challenge airbus bidding, they say airbus doesn't comply with minimun contract requeriments. They have sent some email to their crews the last days about that... We will see what happen in short time..

24th Sep 2012, 07:17
Deleted: please repost in English


24th Sep 2012, 14:57
¿? What's the meaning of this? This are old news, Inaer got the contract again for four years.

24th Sep 2012, 15:24
Inaer got the contract again for four years.

would you specify the source of that?

24th Sep 2012, 17:01
EADS e Inaer se enfrentan ante Hacienda por un contrato millonario - CincoDías.com (http://www.cincodias.com/articulo/empresas/eads-inaer-enfrentan-hacienda-contrato-millonario/20120811cdscdiemp_3/)



24th Sep 2012, 21:49
thanks e-mile

25th Sep 2012, 19:32
Ir was a rumour at the beggining last week but it is official, Sasemar has told To the company

25th Sep 2012, 19:42
Ummm, so who won then??

28th Sep 2012, 14:24
On september 25th in the afternoon Sasemar signed a 4 years contract with Inaer