View Full Version : CPL Theory Tutoring - Ballarat

8th Jul 2012, 04:29
G'day all,

I'm looking for someone who can private tutor in Ballarat for all CPL subjects and include IREX if possible.

I am looking at doing 1 subject every 2 weeks, with a 1 week break at the end. Looking at about 2 sessions in the evening midweek 3rd (break week) being prac exam/CASA exam. So doing an exam every 3 weeks.

I'm currently talking with someone in the area although they are not Ballarat for the next 6 months and I really want to have them done within this time frame (by end of oct really).

Before you just say, "Do them yourself." I've been trying to get these done but I work at the same place i live and it's a 24hr environment so I need to schedule time away from work to actually study it's just very complicated here so I’ve arranged someone to come in for the 2 nights a week I’m away.

If you are interested or know of anyone, please pm me and we can discuss further in pm or via phone etc.


8th Jul 2012, 05:53
Have you tried the Aeroclub? Ask Heather!

8th Jul 2012, 10:06
I was under the impression that the aero club was only up to PPL/RA. I will give them a call.

Are they going to charge a fee for aero club member in order to get a tutor, I know some places do that.

Edit** Have spoken to her and waiting to hear back (very busy with her ATPL study)

10th Jul 2012, 10:30
Thanks in-cog-nito but doesn't look good for ballarat aero club they don't do CPL training (Graham said), anyone else know of anyone in the region of ballarat?


10th Jul 2012, 11:48
Try and get in touch with Rian at STATA or whatever it's called, he can't pick up women so should have plenty of spare time for some tutoring. Offer to pay in beer and you should be alright.

12th Aug 2012, 01:38
I thought they did CPL at Ballarat Aero club? Dont they have a Piper?