View Full Version : Rafale crash in mediterranean sea

3rd Jul 2012, 14:34

Un Rafale Marine s'abîme en Méditerranée - Air&Cosmos (http://www.air-cosmos.com/defense/un-rafale-marine-s-abime-en-mediterranee.html)

Google Traduction (http://translate.google.be/translate?sl=fr&tl=en&js=n&prev=_t&hl=fr&ie=UTF-8&layout=2&eotf=1&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.air-cosmos.com%2Fdefense%2Fun-rafale-marine-s-abime-en-mediterranee.html&act=url)

Méditerranée. Crash d (http://www.ouest-france.fr/actu/actuDet_-Mediterranee.-Crash-d-un-Rafale-de-Landivisiau-le-pilote-s-ejecte_39382-2092799_actu.Htm)

Rafale en difficulté au-dessus de la Méditerranée: le pilote s'éjecte lors d'un combat aérien : Lignes de défense (http://lignesdedefense.blogs.ouest-france.fr/archive/2012/07/02/rafale-en-panne-au-dessus-de-la-mediterranee-le-pilote-s-eje.html)

3rd Jul 2012, 22:25
Bad day for fj boys and girls all round.:(

Load Toad
3rd Jul 2012, 22:38
Why is there a big gurning smiley face to introduce this thread...?

Willard Whyte
3rd Jul 2012, 23:48
Why is there a big gurning smiley face to introduce this thread...?

I must say that struck me as being poorly chosen.

4th Jul 2012, 07:58
I am assuming these were aircraft involved on TLP from Albecete, as there was an F18 involved also?

4th Jul 2012, 08:54
No. That was a cooperative exercise between a US carrier and the French one.

4th Jul 2012, 09:22
Daccord, merci