View Full Version : Has Anyone Applied Protective Film to a Helicopter Windshield?

28th Jun 2012, 19:56
What are helicopter windshields made from? Some kind of acrylic, polycarbonate?

I've seen several severely damaged by a bird strike, hail, foreign object.... or just pushed in the wrong place. So, not much protection for occupants?

Now I know that race teams apply protective films, such as clear Armourfend, to windshields to reduce stone damage and provide extra driver protection.

Saw one at the weekend and the cost is apparently less than £100.

Is this viable for a helicopter windshield?

28th Jun 2012, 23:22
depends on the winscreen, some are heated others arent. which may not be suitable.

possibly could be done especially on the ordinary windows, but the ones likely to be hit are usually the multy layer type with polycarbonate glass sandwich, or some variation on that, and i think some of them have a layer of film between them for this reason.

some are designed to withstand birdstrike already.

29th Jun 2012, 05:22
it would have to be approved which means the cost would jump a few 1000

29th Jun 2012, 08:08
This is what concerns me

http://www.pprune.org/ HBUUHy8gIyktMSwsFx4xNTAqNSYsLCkBCQoKDgwOGg8PGi8iHyQpLSw0NSkt LDUsLDAsLy0sKSwsKSwsLC0sLCwsKSwpKSwpLSwsLCwsLCkpLCwqKSksLP/AABEIAHgAeAMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAcAAACAgMBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAFBgMEAAECBwj/xAA+EAACAAQDBQYEAwUIAwAAAAABAgADESEEEjEFBkFRYRMicYGRoTKxwfAj QnIHUmKS0RQVQ6LC0uHxU3Oz/8QAGgEAAgMBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQIDBAUABv/EACsRAAEEAAUDAwQDAQAAAAAAAAEAAgMRBAUhMUESUXETIjIUYYGRQsHhI//aAAwDAQACEQMRAD8AMY/C4ZJE+dKWTUGsxky1qWGYZl/PetB7R5VtvCpmE1aqswVpwB4/fWL2zN1NrYlUzfhKqgK000OUaAJc08oYcXuZNyS0YoxuDQFFqaEUBNuMUZmP 6usLcy6eEMMT9DuCUhrNK6m4hs3M307GaBMujDLYEm1CNLmO92t2ZOJfEmaG PZzAqhTlFCqnh1Jh92DsHC4Zs0qSqt+9ct6mtPKGEBu002asfEY6uwrEve6S 1Oz79iSQyih5EOQa+XGC0ufmUNQgEVvEe0N3sNi1/GlI9xelGt/EO97xvD7uyZR/CTsx/AWQeYUgHzEWhfKwDXC329I4OIjqfgnGj5v1AN7ih94pMHGqV/S3+l/90FKrDTIjLMeEbkTFr3gyjqp+YBHnWDXZyioZGVh/CQ3uI5cgPYtyivOtDBmFCIo4nCgiOXINnjpJ5iWdgCLi8UZqkQFyvDFRkCzP jI5BETiTEeInZ1Kmt+PIi4I8DeGmfspjYp6QGxuGkS/jmIni6j2JhjSAJBtJn7PptGxteM5f/msOvaryjznc3aMmW2KzzAhactK/+tb24dYZhtuR/wCeWfOO0XE6pnl46mkdf3nClO3ww6NlMwH9ILD1AiSXvXhj/iL51H0jkLTYmNrFmRLRrkQpyt6cNWgmy/WnzgnJ2urAFWVgdCCCOWvkfSOXdSZpOIVdIGbcWWxDZBmp8Q7rfzLQ+8DTtC uhjGxTHgYFI9SrNNcfDMbwcZx62b3jG2pMHxIG6of9LUPoTHE6sVZkAoWrK7 alk0LZTybuH/Nr5RJOnqdYFTb2IqOUVlwI/KWT9JoP5TVfaORtEZiqeEbinLE5f3Jn+Rvqp9o3BtFIC42ZX45hPPOanzrEE xG4U+/KLc/AlsROw+GAcSWKNNmkqGcEqQiKNKgi5OlbaQw7I2MSoMwKWv8ACpA5UUMST4m g6RVc5wKtRYOSQXsO5SfsbZc2c0zIKAstzoe6uhOsFm3deWpeawA5DU+ZrD3 s/Dysiut8wt+mvA8vC2kD9sYVZquiMMw6gkHhUcNPSLPpPIsUEWPwjHjrt3etk trs6UMjd6liRYg8dTca8IvrhsO9hLv0tA7CYokNLb4k4cY7lT3lnpFdjHOeQ/Ra2LkwsMDZMOwGzzx5W8RgcMa5SwINKd8X8xSnWOH3eChQrP7N5jQ8zFvF49 GlksprTVRUjqABw84C7KGKlsfxe2kMSAw73eNtOBBp3fSLBhrYrGGLa/5RhaxGGKNQTFLDke8PEaiJcPtCfLaqTnB/USPQ2MVtsyWn5RMbs2WmVgooTU0ue8p6VoYjl7QmGYJc5Qr6BhZXpbQWU04Q hB4KieAdQNEyy99sYbUltXiVpp7RPK3qxLE5kk0HjevAEGBb4YKKcbHXw1id cWKU0pXw86RUOIcDSAYESG8ZX45RNNShJHuPrFzB71YVmyEujdVNPasKk7aT E0ve1o7wjrUZqGg/pxg/UkbhcWJ7k7WwtaGaAePdf/bG4SZuMyg5QeOvT56RkETPOybpCccPJRmFRUnuluNDrfre/WM25hyqsMORnsFr4rmN+hPpCrht5ZplTAfiC1VtNCOEUv78fPLqeAr1JN4fC kOevTZ3DJDATel0vSMNJVZYB5AKoHAWHhAfGSMNhTNmkBRNKA5QSWfRbDU6w MTbEylbnlSDWyMWjKDMcq7HuinEU48/vjGodF4sJT3p2cZE5Z6iorlYc6/dPSJJJV1HEEVB6H7pDttbYwnyiCKgihp9PnHnowczDs0p+dVPQ9OWkVpRXvH C0sE4SXA7+W3nhLG2UeRiklie7GtCTbKTQ0NDf4hDHhdv5ZRLjNQlWoBchqX HEEUMK+8Oxpy1mOUJsWyi9L0NTrrTyHKJZe05NAcxBdVLADMRMU5Wsdc4oRy MIHHQhRujFEHcJmm7UQjOgbKRWhA4e9OMCJe2u1zrMQMikVykFlI0KnQ0I/7glu5gs6ZZqMj5moDwU3UU6Cg8oOYzd9ZajJRVPAWvzIgkHelCH9Gi0Zcqeg ZTmBuCPux6QFxex5wYhAz1uAoqfQVMbfDzJT5kNF/MQMynnUC48YKTMYxWwzV4DW/FT6WhXxNeLIop2nlqWMVLdWoQw8RT53i/gsMX74IAQAEcyeXPgfI+dfaWwMVZpc6dU/lMxiByAzH2J9YgRZ0lKYkzS3EdkSLaUbLQ+sQmBo0JTg9WoVraU0rdwQONLm h18DSsaiLCbXwlSSJj2rSuQ16ACp8IyC2MM0Ru0L2fuptAETXw8/slzZmYMosDchr0r0gnhXAmSz1I9QafSPQf2lSJ0pUmSps3snBSYuYlb6HlQi o8hzjzmaQoBLKCpVgNdTxp4adYVr/+40W8Yryx5c67IP3FbhM+HxIpc/f3aL0o8VINPr90gH2ovTTUeGoiCbj+zTOr5XzhQtL5SMxN7U/LTx5xog2vJltFekbv7Wr+GdevH/mNbx7vifloQtCa1FytDUCnGFCRNnDLOyMlQKVFAa/1+sOLNLxclVcmhIIKniKi/vAOopM11EEJNxOxGZTJmkAqGAqKZlNqV+9YS8HuDiDNOc9mB8LA1JNyCKHzj 1nePYA/s6hCayxY8xxr7+sAht7swqMqhQLtWrDTS3esQfAxWbTCWlbErH4kCaJtk6ED g/6q0nZ7gBmYM9BmK8TzHpG+2JNCSac7xdUMWyy0aYD+6pNj4Vi6N0cbM+GQVr xai/Mw3rN41UQy2U/Om+SEG0uDaKpxVGpYjhSxH0hpl/sxxRvMeUh8S3yFPeJ0/Zsi/HNdv0gL86mEdPI7Rra8q1HgsDFrLL1Hs1LS480pr4/WI5eHZmLKjsSfyO6epU0GmpEO0jdmRL0SvViW+do6xmPlSRR2VRy4+giLpef mVzpsOfbDGSTzyvKtq7UKOJc6ViFNGGV1SaWP5cjFSaAanjW1IyGLeDamHxR WULMrBkcnKQwNgOh684yEL2DYKP6PEcikySdlHsXwcxs8px+DN1pxUN1FiCL EVFo8wxWEKM8txRlJBHUW9IfN3t6sOSEBMmv+Gxqlf4D+XwsOkW94t1pWIzz gWWaFJ7tKMQDSoI8rQob1EOZwtT13YcSQYgEBw7c9/wA80kvAYgGWjUFStD5fYiDG4hUIcU8CKi/SBOGxjoAhsuYnr9aaRPPxMsgd3vV1N7eZ510EadryR0KLLtyc0tiHU2FjrUU pxrXrBnCBsNIE4TZb6Z5QN1rfz+hhHxG0FymwzWvpSnSNYjeCY5ZSAeBNKE0 5kfSDeqAbovT9mb4I5oGBJF1J/rrD1sDd/AzpST/7PLLEEHMM1CDcUao1j5ukzvxLWsa8dAbwxbJ3uxkuQspZ8xVBJoGI15nWkQT uawdRC1csw82Ik9KN1aXuV9I/hy1/Kir4KAPkIp4nePDS/imr5X+UeJYTfdtJys4IoaOb/wA1Y6O+UmUjZQxAuqvenRSB8zaKn1IOwW0cjcyzIf0vTcf+0fDLZUmv5BR7m FnaH7RnavZykXqxLH0FBCo29kl0lns7tXOAfhvQUPGovSBG2NrqzUlVVRW51 PXp4RE+d3dX8PlOHFEtvyUex+8+KmVrOoOSjJ8hWFTH45yxBavnFebtBqamK L4ipiP3O3V4iGAe0AeFMZhOkZFjZ2CaawAsOJ5RkKTSypcyaHUpBi1ygZRXn rFzC7dxEpaJNdV0pXTwB0iP+yoxrl+g9oF7WluhVZZzFrk6AC1q+cFjS40Ew zqB7alZ/aj2me8GpbietvTSOEmjkPSvzgghlmRmLOJvFSlUYdHra1bEecUO5yp4GkaEe IoU9Y+Jy1szjJhnCjweFHiWvw9KfKKw+Px+sW5kuWf3vUf0jsTEAoBy16RIc QxV25RPzQ/KhlFixy2tQnkCB9+kE5dAAOUUmxg5xG2NilM50p+y9Ll0MOABN24okZkRvNE DTjIqzcS7aWiNmHJVnE5xHGO6LviAIrPjwOIgauDduZi9I2AdWIA9TEvpsbu ViS5493xaopmOzG1TBfZexyRnmd0cBapixgsAiUKrUjifpaCCOSbC/rEL5Bs1ZsmLlk+R/SuSZaqKLYD79esbiOXP4XrG4rWq1IO89jUjKLVvc0HsPu0C5GJabPoxqEU0s OY/7vGRkX2aNdSjCtY+eZYrSpsFGtSYjkbNCoM1SxufExkZCHRgpO0kHRRzcInh 5/0iBsIvMxkZABKm9V/dYcEOZjhcMoPExkZDglKZX91IcKvKnzjmVhKEEGpFb6e0ajIHUVFZO6uGYwF M9TyoPvlEoz0BGUn0/wCIyMhCVymw89swzqVB1OtPIXiPE7TZaiXLYk2BIIHjGRkFrWnWkF1gMOysZ kxyzniNAOQEZGRkV3OLjZRul//Z

Here - 18 helicopters of various makes with broken windshields Hubschrauber nach Hagelschlag - YouTube

And, would it really require approval to put a clear film over a windshield? I've seen it on vulnerable parts of the bodywork to prevent paint damage.

29th Jun 2012, 10:09
Any change to an aircraft is a modification and there would be questions over this.

What would the effect of the adhesive be on the polycarbonate, potential for crazing and degradation of strength

Possible problem if it came off in flight and went into the intake or wrapped itself around a tailrotor blade

Damage caused during installation and removal

The heated windscreen effect mentioned above

The effect of windscreen wipers

Possibly sounds a little anal?

Well look into the Agusta 139 maintnance manual, there is now a procedure for removal and installation of the crew torches

Remove, Take mini maglite between two fingers and remove from pocket

Fit, Take mini maglite and place in pocket

Not sure if there is a maintenance procedure for replacing the mag lite batteries maybe the torch is classed as a component and has to be sent back to Agusta for the batteries to be replaced!!!!.

Brilliant Stuff
29th Jun 2012, 19:15
Fly 7

If you ask me, I believe it to be a no brainer to add the film to the windscreen because they advertise them for cars to stop stone chips and I have seen an ad showing how you can't even pierce them with a knife, now would that not improve your safety by a good margin when you consider bird strikes??

On the EC135 only the big windows are designed to be bird proof up to a certain size and yet they have failed but the chin windows are not. So you get a bird through that hitting the pedals or you legs.....

They film won't come after all it's a hugs sticker how is that gonna come off and be an issue?

Since they wrap Ferraris with that stuff and take it off without damaging them I don't think a helicopter will be any different.

Eddie Stobart wrap their trucks for better resale value.

I think this is one of those ideas which is so simple no one has made the connection since aviation has to be complicated and expensive.

I personally would have no issues with it but knowing the CAA it's to simple and has too much common sense and makes your life saver in flight.....

Well that's my take.

As for torches, thank god we were able to ditch the official Eurocopter torch since its big and heavy and not very bright but the led lenses we got now is as big as a marker pen and you could use it as a back up landing light should you need to. They that bright.

30th Jun 2012, 13:52
Everyone may well be correct about the value of such a film- I know how useful they can be on road vehicles. However undoubtedly, IMO, the feds would want to see it "installed" under some sort of mod procedure, authorised by an organisation with the necessary modification approval (involving reams of paper and associated costs).

In essence, it boils down to the system not trusting the common sense of a pilot/operator but requiring a more formal review. Sounds very "jobsworth" but the trouble is that the consequences of any "problem" can be dire on an aircraft.

Of course, someone could just do it. It would be fine until a keen fed spots it (not very likely as they usually just look at the paperwork these days), or worse in the event of there being a problem (probably less likely still) the insurance walks away.

Shawn Coyle
30th Jun 2012, 21:31
you need to make sure it's approved for installation on aircraft. I hear there are some tapes used on rotor blades that if you really check their heritage, have no such approval, but are used a lot.

30th Jun 2012, 22:22
Operator: The helicopter for the 100 hour is over here.

Engineer: Whats that stuck on the windscreen?

Owner: Its this great stuff they use on racing cars

Eng: Have you got an approval for that?

Op: Err well no but we think it's a great idea.

Eng: I think it's a great idea as well, when you've got an approval for it or taken it off I will come back and certify the aircraft for you.

Have a nice day, Byeeeee !!!!!

1st Jul 2012, 08:57
Shame :bored:

I was thinking of it for use on light helicopters that don't have heated screens or wipers, just a flimsy screen - hence I suppose the argument for helmets and visors.

Anyway, the way it works, is the screen is meticulously cleaned, sprayed with water, the film applied and any air bubbles scrupulously removed. It's a virtually invisible. From what I've seen on cars, the latest materials won't lift, won't discolour, and can be removed.

I would have thought less contentious than blade tapes fitted to critical parts, but maybe a bit more contentious than the vinyl stickers applied to many helicopters. Guess it would be for a manufacturer to get approval - if it's worth their while.

2nd Jul 2012, 09:22
Its irrelevant what your take on it is.
You maybe the owner but the Buck stops with the Licensed engineer that signs off on your pride and joy.

Come the accident inquiry he is the one that risks loss of licence and or Jail.

This is the joy of EASA.

11th Dec 2012, 01:58
I am an engineer for an aerospace transparency manufacturer. One issue not mentioned here that would be a big challenge is achieving satisfactory optics with an applied film. Getting perfect optics with just formed acrylic or polycarbonate is hard enough. Trying to apply a film evenly over a contoured surface would be ridicously hard. Car windshields and many fixed wing aircraft have very simple curvature. Most helicopters have some what spherical shapes. They do not lend them selves to getting something to lay flat on them. Just getting protective film on them for shipping can be tricky so we spray them with peelable latex.

Also, polycarbonate windshields have a silicone based hard coat on them to prevent yellowing, crazing and scratches. It will not accept something you try to stick on it. Some acrylic is coated as well, but not as often.

Kulwin Park
11th Dec 2012, 20:18
@FLY 7 ....

What happened to the helicopter windshields in the above YouTube clip?? Hail Stones or vandals? Man, that would be expensive!!!! :eek:

Also, windshield protective films, or "tear-off's" as they are known in the motorsport race car industry, are basically not approved yet for basically 2 safety reasons:
1- They could become unstuck in the swirling airflow, instantly peel off, and become sucked into the gas turbine engine inlet, causing massive damage, flameout, or even cause an accident. Even the film blocking an oil cooler screen or MGB cooling duct could cause catastrophic failure due overheating.
2- The film could also peel off into the slipstream, and become tangled in the main rotor swashplate, blades, or tail rotor assembly causing binding aircraft movements and maybe even loss of control.

Until a film can be secured by a means of certain attachment, then I don't think any aircraft manufacturer would let a film be fitted onto a window screen of any type! :8

Cheers, KP

11th Dec 2012, 20:59
My enquiry was largely academic, but there's no reason why a ventureshield type application would distort optics or noticeably discolour.

Likewise, why would it come off? In motorsport, visor 'tear offs' are deliberately designed for easy removal, but screen protection is designed to stay on for the life of the screen. Stickers are routinely attached to aircraft fuselages without issues.

Granted some aircraft - mainly business jets - have complex coatings that require extreme caution, even when cleaning.