View Full Version : Tucano inadvertent ejection

Karl Bamforth
6th Jun 2012, 01:42
This fatal accident in Brasil has strong similarities to the Red Arrows incident.

ASN Aircraft accident 04-JUN-2012 Embraer EMB-312 Tucano (T-27) (http://aviation-safety.net/wikibase/wiki.php?id=146025)

Cadet (22) from of the Academia da Forca Aérea (AFA) died after being ejected inadvertendly from the aircraft in preparation for takeoff on the runway.

Do they use the same Mk of seat ?

Has a report on the Red Arrows incident been released yet ?

6th Jun 2012, 03:54
Brazilian T-27s have the MB BR8LC seat fitted, 70kts minimum. This happened at a much lower speed, so sadly the cadet pilot didn't survive his injuries.

A report is due in 30 days.

6th Jun 2012, 04:36

I would venture that whilst both ejections were fatal, and took place with aircraft on the ground, the similarities might well end there. It doesn't, on the face of it, appear that similar to me. As you imply, impossible to tell without both reports to hand.

Tragic in both cases.



Karl Bamforth
6th Jun 2012, 11:01
Hi Orca,

After the Red Arrows incident both the Hawk and the Tucano were grounded which made me think that they had the same seat or at least similar enough to be at risk of having the same problem.

As you say both incidents are very tragic and thankfully inadvertent ejections are few and far between.

Dan Winterland
6th Jun 2012, 13:34
Mk 8 in the Tuc, Mk 10 in the Hawk. Different seats, but many similarities.

6th Jun 2012, 13:36
IIRC from ground school, the difference is the rocket on the Mk10 vs the simple cartrdiges for the Mk8. Stand to be corrected.

V sad and condolences to family, friends and colleagues.

30 mRad

6th Jun 2012, 20:01
30 mRad

Mk 8 is a lightweight version of the Mk 10, in fact it's original designation was Mk 10L. The seats are very similar, except the Mk 8 is not fitted with the rocket pack and it is not a zero-zero seat (the seat is only rated for zero altitude operation if the aircraft is traveling at 70 Knots as stated above).