View Full Version : Tips Pre-IR course

28th May 2012, 12:50

I am looking for some advice....
I am starting my IR course at Bond in a few week’s time, I am looking for any tips/advice/exercises that I can practice in the weeks before the course commences that will help me stay ahead of the learning curve or at least potentially lighten the load (a tiny bit)/allow me to absorb additional information while in the sim.

Thanks in advance.

Camp Freddie
28th May 2012, 13:23
Yes use a radio aids tutor software like Rant XL to try and gain situational awareness, as it's quite annoying when you get lost in the hold (easily done believe me)

28th May 2012, 16:06
Learn morse

28th May 2012, 16:08
Selective radial scan.

Set and attitude and trim.

Don't eat yellow snow.


28th May 2012, 16:12
.... Never get separated from your kit .... Don't drink and dial ...

The Flashing Blade
28th May 2012, 16:48
I second Camp Freddie - RANT XL was a godsend for me on my IR though I have heard good things about MS Flight Sim.

Each night, after planning the following days trips, I would run through the route on RANT. This would show me the indications on teh instruments I would see on the trip plus help me plan what I would do and when such as checks, radio calls, etc.

It is also very good for helping getting your head around holding patterns, triple drift and timings with various winds. It also has a good morse trainer though I don't think that is too ncessary as longs as you know the morse idents for the beacons you're going to use.

No I'm not a sales person for RANT!

Brilliant Stuff
28th May 2012, 20:52
I used Rant hours before my test and got the hold wrong which saved me during the test.

Hopefully you can use the gCAP plates because Aerad confused the hell out of us.

28th May 2012, 21:03
Fly the instruments.....not the Attitude Indicator!

28th May 2012, 22:02
MS flight sim did wanders for me to get me up to speed and used to everything...
Used a slow plank with autopilot to simulate the speed like a heli.
Understand the process and how it all works and drawing the picture in your head helps me.

Brilliant Stuff
29th May 2012, 00:32
Make a sketch of your flight on a piece of paper as well. I sketch the hold, the approach and all the legs with the right headings and adjusted headings for wind, mileage and timmings.

Pilot whizz pro is a good App to help you as well.


When I use Rant I use the actual upper spot winds from the METoffice.

Good Luck with it all.