View Full Version : Algea Fuel - is it really the future?

5th May 2012, 07:50
Lots of stuff on the internet about new biofuels. An interesting video I will post here shows how algea is looking very promosing.

most interesting however is the yield. 1 acre of soy or other crops gives something like 2 USG of fuel per year per acre. However, algea in the fast breeding tube farms gives 26,000 USG per acre per year.

So......is the oil crisis effectively over? Sure theres still lots of research to be done and production refines etc, as with any new technology.

Could australia be in teh box seat for production with millions of sq km of arid land thats not suitable for growning anything, and gets lots of sunlight.

Thoughts anyone


5th May 2012, 21:20
I've been wondering about this too, it seems like a much more economical way of producing bio fuels, but it looks like some of the other bio fuels have made it to market more quickly, so maybe there is more work required to refine the algae?