View Full Version : S-76 LAME future job prospects

25th Feb 2012, 03:45
Hi everyone,

Just throwing this out there.

With the increase in AW139 usage, without trying to acquire an engine airframe license on this type, are there any jobs out there for a Sikorsky S-76 Licensed engineer? I know there are easily over 700 s-76s out there, but I don't seem to be hearing of any jobs on them for maintainers.

Your thoughts,

unstable load
25th Feb 2012, 17:03
Lots of 76's out there and they need fixing. Still in series production, too, so a future for the type and your course money won't be wasted.
CHC & Bristow for starters.

25th Feb 2012, 18:17
Peharps could you take a chance with Heli-Malongo or Sonair in Angola? they are operating a bunch of brand-new C++ and there are still some expat engineers (on rotation) to keep them flying.