View Full Version : PROJECT PROPELLER 2012

DX Wombat
30th Jan 2012, 20:41
Project Propeller 2012 is up and running. Please look at their website. (http://www.projectpropeller.co.uk/) An early heads up for this year's PP so that those of you willing to fly a veteran, or wish to twist your spouse's/ partners/significant other's arm to allow you to fly these wonderful ladies and gentlemen have plenty of time to get organised and do so. Other help is required with people to help them to and from their aircraft, dish up the lunch, etc., etc., or simply to sit and listen to their stories - well worth it I have to say. If you can't manage any of this then maybe you could consider a small donation to help defray the costs of the event. However you decide to help, no matter how small it may seem, it will be appreciated. I'll resurrect this thread from time to time.