View Full Version : PC Sim software for real-world IFR training.

7th Jan 2012, 06:28
Hi, I'm interested to get opinions about sim software for home use for for IFR training. I obviously wouldn't be able to log the time, but I hoping it would make actual flight time more efficient.
What package is most useful. Obviously Micro Soft Flight Sim comes to mind but ASA On-Top is being stocked by Down Under Pilot Shop. No doubt there are others. Something that has actual approaches would be good - fly an approach several times on the PC before flying it in aircraft must be helpful.
What yoke-throttle etc setup is best?

I want to finish my Instrument Rating which I began 20 years ago, and wondering just how useful sim software really is. I would like to use it if I can but don't want to lay out thick end of a grand for stuff that is not going to be useful.

Thanks for opinions/experience.


7th Jan 2012, 06:49
Maybe do a few flights and sims with your instructor first, just to make sure you don't accidentally teach yourself bad habits, then go from there.


7th Jan 2012, 08:58
Dunno about ASA's offering. But used Elite Pilot (ELITE Evolution (http://www.flyelite.ch)) throughout training and beyond and found it pricey, but complete, accurate and powerful.

7th Jan 2012, 09:12
Any sim software for home use on your pc is great, it brings your scan up to speed.
I personally have used flight sim x and x plane 9 for Mac.
Both are good but I'd suggest x plane if you have a Mac.

Hope this helps.


7th Jan 2012, 23:57
I second xplane, but Microsoft flight sim is just as good. You don't need to go and buy a fancy yoke etc, just run of the mill joystick will be fine. I can't recommend what you're doing enough. It's there to help your instrument scan and to practice approaches. Good luck!

8th Jan 2012, 02:38
Id recommend ASA on top.

Large instruments which are easy to read. Can set up a vast array of random or specific failures/WX etc.

I still use mine for brushing up before sim checks.

8th Jan 2012, 03:30
Has anyone tried FlightGear? What did you think of it, especially does it behave like real aircraft?

8th Jan 2012, 06:10
Thanks for the replies.

Sounds like it will be worth the money.