View Full Version : Any older person recall seeing the Northrop B-35 or YB -49, or Chuck Tucker?

21st Dec 2011, 15:50
Looking for complimentary info and photos for my (12/2011) published book 'Goodbye Beautiful Wing', which details the development of the 'Wings' from the microfilmed records of the Northrop (and Convair B-36) R&D projects, and includes my long interview with old pro test pilot Chuck Tucker (died last year) who flew all the Air Force YB-49 stall tests and a spin recovery, and was aboard when CGI radar was unable to pick it up, north of San Francisco, 1949. Any comments from surviving buddies of Chuck from his Flying Tiger days, or Northrop or Lockheed testing, or 1946-1949 Cleveland National Air Races, would be great to hear and publish.