View Full Version : From regional turbo prop to jet airline. Any good reading?

7th Dec 2011, 23:04
I am shortly making to move from turbo props onto jets. Any good books or manual to read up to give me a general understanding on some of the aerodyanmics, systems, engines etc I will be dealing with?

Not really looking for something too in depth, just something that when I deal with a similar system/egine etc I can at least have have a basic understnading of whats going on.


Howard Hughes
7th Dec 2011, 23:12
Your ATPL systems notes?

7th Dec 2011, 23:14
Just have a flick through your ATPL systems book again. All you need to know!

8th Dec 2011, 00:28
Your ATPL systems notes?

They dissappeared during my numerous moves around the country over the last decade. Should I just grab an ATPL systems book? Whats the best one going around the moment? I am looking to actually learn just not pass the exam.

8th Dec 2011, 00:35

If you're flying a transport RPT t/prop (Dash/EMB/Saab/ATR) you should already have a good working knowledge of pressurisation/hydraulics etc.

Your going to be pretty busy when you start groundschool and you'll have no shortage of reading then so enjoy the spare time now. Don't try to get ahead of yourself. If you're really keen, try google for specific manuals for the type you'll be on rather than generic stuff.

Enjoy the upgrade.


Martin VanNostrum
8th Dec 2011, 02:55
Handling the Big Jets. After 31 years doing this I still can find stuff I forgot or perhaps didn't consider in it.

Capt Basil Brush
8th Dec 2011, 04:51
From regional turbo prop to jet airline. Any good reading?

Depending on where you are going, I would suggest the best reading you could do would be THE EMPLOYMENT CONTRACT.

compressor stall
8th Dec 2011, 07:36
Go to SmartCockpit - Airline training guides, Aviation, Operations, Safety (http://www.smartcockpit.com) and grab the FCOMs and the FCTM

Beware though that if you are going on to the A320 family, the FCOM layout changed significantly a few months ago and is no longer FCOM 1,2,3,4. The guts of the manuals are the same though.

avanti blade
9th Dec 2011, 03:15
The FAA airplane flying handbook - chapter 15 (transition to jet powered airplanes) has just about all the background knowledge material that you will need to know, it will ensure that your initial jet type endoresment will make more sense, you will understand why it is flown that way, not just "monkey see, monkey do..". It is avaliable free off the net -just google it. Combine that with "handling the big jets" and you should have a good well rounded knowledge base to start from.
Have fun!:)

9th Dec 2011, 20:19
Flying the wing by Jim Webb is a good one!