View Full Version : Congretional Gold Medal for some great aviators

Genghis the Engineer
1st Dec 2011, 22:58
Hard to disagree with the awards (http://news.yahoo.com/us-astronauts-honored-congress-154702541.html), if hardly prompt!


Flying Lawyer
2nd Dec 2011, 00:31
Congretional Gold Medal


Well deserved awards to men who truly made history. :ok:


Genghis the Engineer
2nd Dec 2011, 09:21
If not for my spelling!

G :}

2nd Dec 2011, 15:02
The three from 11 are 81, and John Glenn is 90. God, that makes me feel old. I can remember being in awe of Glenn's flight, when I was a schoolboy, and Apollo 11 when I was a young pilot.

2nd Dec 2011, 18:58
The three from 11 are 81, and John Glenn is 90Theory > Space travel makes you live longer?

Not sure if it's true or if my memory is correct but I thought I read somewhere that Armstrong was not keen on the astronaut physical training program saying something along the lines of "God gave us a finite number of heartbeats - I'm not wasting any on exercise".

3rd Dec 2011, 09:05

Nice to see the achievements of these special people are still recognised.

"Carrying the Fire" by Mike Collins is one of the most insightful and entertaining aeronautical books I have read.
