View Full Version : Marine/Harbor Pilot Transfer Safety Stats

30th Nov 2011, 06:58
Hi All,
Can anyone point me to a site where I can find Statistics about the safety of Marine/Harbor Pilot transfers by helicopter?
I realize there are many operators out there operating safely and efficiently but I need NUMBERS. Pure stats that I can show a government bureaucrat and not get kicked back by them.


30th Nov 2011, 07:46
It is not necessarily the 'stats' that you need but the risk assessment that puts into place mitigation in the form of equipment, approvals and procedures to permit these operations to be performed safely.

You might find Appendix H of the International Chamber of Shipping's Guide to Helicopter/Ship Operations helpful in that it contains the Threats and Controls that are associated with this type of operation.

What exactly is this 'government bureaucrat' requesting?


30th Jan 2012, 02:02
They have not requested anything

I am trying to prepeare things ahead of time. This is China. They like paperwork. The last helicopter that performed this job here in Shanghai crashed. A MD902 in 2005

If they will even be willing to allow the start of a similar service they will like us to be prepared. Stats on the safety of this type of work, especially in light of the previous wreck here would help

30th Jan 2012, 05:21
Try contacting these guys Acher Aviation South Africa | Port related helicopter service (http://www.acheraviation.com/)
They've been running the ops in South Africa for the last 10 years...

50,000 Safe Hoists | Acher Aviation South Africa (http://www.acheraviation.com/2010/02/04/50000-safe-hoists/)... an article for their 50 000th safe hoist

30th Jan 2012, 07:17
This is China. They like paperwork. The last helicopter that performed this job here in Shanghai crashed. A MD902 in 2005

You obviously have not looked around China.

COHC, based in Skekou have, including when they were partnered with Bristow helicopters, have carried out thousands of mooring pilot transfers in the South China Sea since the mid eighties. I have carried out a couple of hundred myself.
