View Full Version : Loaded Guns at LAX

31st Oct 2011, 04:23
Loaded guns in checked bags aren't on TSA's radar - latimes.com (http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-gun-luggage-20111026,0,5644060.story)
Security officials at LAX fail to detect loaded gun in bag - latimes.com (http://www.latimes.com/news/local/la-me-tsa-handgun-20111024,0,5447457.story)

I'm not sure if this story reached PPrune or not, if not, I think it has a point of interest for us all.
The headline, 'Loaded guns in checked bags aren't on TSA's radar.' is a bit worrying, considering how many people have access to our luggage once it's passed the check-in desk.

31st Oct 2011, 13:31
The TSA is passing the buck. If they do not screen for guns and "the passenger does not have access to checked baggage", then why not let the bag and gun continue its journey without questioning the owner?

31st Oct 2011, 15:16
I dunno...sounds a lil fishy

4th Nov 2011, 00:35
Loaded technically isn't a problem, made ready is! That is when the round is in the chamber. loaded simply means the magazine is in it's housing. But still it shouldn't be allowed. That said the myriad of CCTV that exists in the bag lines and sort system and loading bays makes it hard for employees to tamper. Plus the fact that PECs keep a track of bags positions on the belt. If a bag is moved or 'fondled' the system rejects the bag and sends it back to square one for level one screening.

4th Nov 2011, 04:24
If a bag is moved or 'fondled' the system rejects the bag and sends it back to square one for level one screening.
That's interesting BUGS/BEARINGS/BOXES, presumably just the newest of systems in the 1st world can do this, or has this feature been around for a while?

4th Nov 2011, 11:39
It's been around a while. Should you be checking in and the bag line fails. You may hear the term 'PEC fault' being banded around. Those irritating straps people put around their bags causes havoc with them, as the straps usually fall off and block a PEC. This in term shuts down a section of belt and starts a concertina effect called 'die back'. Then it's complete and utter chaos, depends on how quickly the fault is fixed. sometimes you'd never know it happened.