View Full Version : Operation Jericho

24th Oct 2011, 11:31
After a weekend of aviaton history on the TV (well done the BBC), it was all rounded off with this documentary. After the fascinating interview about whether "C" actually sanctioned the raid, the question still hangs in the air, "why?". The belief seems to be that the prisoners were not due for execution so why was the raid requested? Is there alternative material available to give a definitive answer? So many questions but very well filmed and presented and those Mosquitos were VERY low.

24th Oct 2011, 11:53
Personally I thought that Martin Shaw's commentary detracted from what could have been a fascinating programme - as did the gloomy music in the latter part of the documentary.

24th Oct 2011, 15:22
A French prison with German guards would suggest that the inmates had been very naughty to the Germans. No doubt their survival, whether by means of a firing squad or a concentration camp, could well be in doubt. Maybe the few that escaped were lucky and the others had their fate accelerated.