View Full Version : IR ME or SE ? CPL ME or SE ?

17th Oct 2011, 10:04

Dose it make a difference if you hold a IR of a SE and CPLSE but having a ME rating endorced(mcc night etc...) on my licence,would airlines accecpt such qulifications??

17th Oct 2011, 10:13
There is no such thing, under JAA requirements at least, as a CPLSE. If you hold a CPL, it is equally valid for any class or type of aircraft for which you hold the relevant rating. On the other hand, a single-pilot IR is of no use to an airline as it does not allow you to commence a type rating course on a multi-pilot aeroplane.

17th Oct 2011, 11:31
IMHO IRSE - cheaper to get, cheaper to maintain, ticks the IR/ATPL theory exam. box.

I wish I had done that. I feel like I am maintaining two wives.:bored:

Unless, of course, you feel that the moment you get this and the MCC qualification sorted out the job offers will be swamping your house's threshold!