View Full Version : B200 PDF manual?

7th Oct 2011, 02:40

Does anyone know where I could acquire a poh for a b200 in PDF? Also with a raise beck supplement ?


7th Oct 2011, 03:30
There are 4 ways... Your employer, Someone selling a used copy, a legitmate source for a new one like Flight Safety or Essco, otherwise the third option is google, there is one there if you search (actually a few in pdf) but it is not viewed as a legal option.

tail wheel
7th Oct 2011, 03:45
It is "Raisbeck (http://www.raisbeck.com/ka/index.html)" and they manufacture various different King Air performance kits.

King Air 200 Pilot Operating Handbook (http://www.google.com.au/#hl=en&cp=37&gs_id=4d&xhr=t&q=King+Air+200+pilot+operating+handbook&pf=p&sclient=psy-ab&source=hp&pbx=1&oq=King+Air+200+pilot+operating+handbook&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&gs_sm=&gs_upl=&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&fp=1bf4ed5074086755&biw=1348&bih=633).