View Full Version : Girona - Barajas

20th Sep 2011, 20:37
Spanair to propose reinstating the Girona - Barajas route that was abondoned by Ryanair last year - Girona - Madrid Airport Route May Re-open (http://www.tumbit.com/news/articles/3759-girona-madrid-airport-route-may-re-open.html)

20th Sep 2011, 21:33
Spanair to propose reinstating the Girona - Barajas route that was abondoned by Ryanair last year - Girona - Madrid Airport Route May Re-open (http://www.tumbit.com/news/articles/3759-girona-madrid-airport-route-may-re-open.html)

Would it be overly cynical of me to interpret this as politicians saying "we understand that Spanair may need some more money so we'll try and find a cunning wheeze to give them some"?

20th Sep 2011, 22:48
Dunno, but the AVE fast train should be open in a couple of years or so from Girona to Madrid - not sure how long it will take though. I seem to remember before Ryanair started doing Spanish domestics, there were a couple of flights a day by IB.