View Full Version : Formation flying over North London

9th Sep 2011, 18:27
Anyone know why there is a 146 and two 125s flying in large circles around Barnet/Enfield at the moment? Nice tight formation

9th Sep 2011, 18:28
just over flown me ........very tight indeed!

9th Sep 2011, 18:37
Plane escorted by two fighter jets in North London - on Twitpic (http://twitpic.com/6ieakc)

NB - the "Fighter" designation was by the twitpic author - not me!

9th Sep 2011, 19:31
They flew over my house 4 or 5 times, anybody know what they were doing, or where they were going?

9th Sep 2011, 19:38
Well, which one is it? 4 or 5 times? The Captain of the aircraft knew where they were going and what has it got to do with you?
Have you not heard of OPSEC?
If you don't know, then you don't need to know.

Trim Stab
9th Sep 2011, 19:40
Possibly an exercise of defence against an attack by hijacked business jet against central London targets? I know nothing....

9th Sep 2011, 19:46
Possibly an exercise of defence against an attack by hijacked business jet against central London targets?

Using 125's as simulated QRF.

Trim Stab
9th Sep 2011, 19:59
Matelot - probably not a bad guess. London is wide open to attack by a chartered bizjet (I fly one, and am well aware of the lax security arrangements in many aerodromes within easy reach of London). If RAF are not preparing defences in advance of the Olympics then they are not doing their job.

Even so, I doubt even two armed Typhoons (let alone two HS125s) would be much defence against a determined kamikaze bizjet pilot with a disguised intended route.

9th Sep 2011, 20:15
radar calibration???
looks very akin to the Canberra / Hunter formations the FRADU used to fly to simulate missile attacks
could they be wondering whether a hijacked biz jet could come in hidden by the radar signature of a larger aircraft?

Trim Stab
9th Sep 2011, 20:18
could they be wondering whether a hijacked biz jet could come in hidden by the radar signature of a larger aircraft?

Why would you even need to go to that length when an operator could file a legitimate flight plan to LCY?

Good luck to the Typhoon pilots who have to fly close formation with a determined kamikaze pilot though - it would be aerial "chicken" taken to an extreme.

Better to just sort out the dispute before it gets that far I think...

9th Sep 2011, 20:25

Well, which one is it? 4 or 5 times? The Captain of the aircraft knew where they were going and what has it got to do with you?
Have you not heard of OPSEC?
If you don't know, then you don't need to know.

More wise words from the SAS!!!!!

You really are a tool.

9th Sep 2011, 20:52
I've got video of this, once I work out how to post mobile movies I'll put it up. Maybe karma might send the heavies *scared*

9th Sep 2011, 20:55

Easier to post on you tube etc and just post a link to the video.....but wait for karma to give you his way.
Hope i'm not dead in the morning