6th Sep 2011, 12:18

On 6th September 2011 eight prominent General Aviation Industry Organisations jointly signed a Media Release condemning Federal Infrastructure and Transport Minister Hon Anthony Albanese MP over aviation safety hypocrisy.

The Minister permitted a development inside the “Public Safety Area” of the main runway at Archerfield Airport Brisbane despite what he told the Australian People in Parliament on 30th September 2010 - the second reading speech for the Airports Amendment Bill 2010 giving effect to the National Aviation Policy Statement.

Further the Minister failed to do anything to stop inappropriate development in non-compliance with other safety laws designed to protect the airport putting lives at risk and further degrading the airport. CASA also needs to be brought to account to show why it is pasting over safety issues for the Federal Government.

The issues are not isolated to Archerfield Airport but are symptomatic.
Download Media Release

Download Media Release – with attachments

Videos supporting the Media Release have been placed on Youtube.
(Click on the weblinks below)

Media Links – Youtube

"Minister Anthony Albanese - What I Say v What I Do”
Minister Albanese - "What I Say v What I Do" - YouTube

“Archerfield Airport – Government & CASA Pasting Over Airport Safety Issues”
Archerfield Airport - Government & CASA Pasting Over Airport Safety Issues - YouTube

Mr Lindsay Snell
Archerfield Airport Chamber of Commerce Inc.
www.aacci.org.au (http://www.aacci.org.au)

7th Sep 2011, 01:43
Given Labor party culture of jobs and favours for 'mates'...

I wonder if the owners of the lease covering Archerfield Airport have any links to the Labor party?. :rolleyes:

7th Sep 2011, 04:02
Given Labor's demonstrated competence in anything of late, are we really that surprised? :rolleyes:

7th Sep 2011, 06:12
Must be following the PM's lead.
'Never ever' actually means 'Shut you all up now and to hell with you later on'

It's all about the $$$

Look at DFO Essendon. A student coming in to 26 with a South Westerly will struggle IMHO. The building is almost on the runway.

Nautilus Blue
7th Sep 2011, 07:31
Look at DFO Essendon. A student coming in to 26 with a South Westerly will struggle IMHO.

Which will be used as an argument for closing "just one RWY", allowing more building, promoting safety concerns for the rest of the airport etc. Salami tactics.

8th Sep 2011, 22:54
Thank you to those who have taken the time to read and post.

"Evil prevails while good men stand idle....."

9th Sep 2011, 08:17
The Sports Aircraft of Australia Inc has today added its name to the other eight aviation organisations supporting the Media Release “GA Industry Condemns Minister Albanese over Safety Hypocrisy” issues 6th September 2011.

Spokesperson Mr Peter Karanges said there had never been an issue where the board had been so united in supporting the media release.:ok::ok::ok:

9th Sep 2011, 10:19
Is "No knees" Joyces brother, sans accent ??, or is it just that 'they' are starting to look alike.

Gee whiz, there's some really ugly dudes out their, see the piccy on the Aviation Advertiser website - amazing. The attending item is not bad either by the way.

Perhaps, porridge looks like porridge, mayhap a yawn is just a yawn, and maybe, just maybe, this 'family' may be shamed into going away - forever.

Selah - Oh, yes please. :D

Frank Arouet
12th Sep 2011, 05:32
The Federal Labor Government's answer to the High Court decision is to ammend current law to give discretionary power to the executive of the government.

This may seem non aviation/ Albanese related, but be warned, Albanese as part of that executive could make unilateral decisions pertaining to our future aviation regulation, direction or destruction.

Given most everything this Government has done by way of "reform" has turned to ****, I would watch this development carefully.

To contemplate such discretionary powers in either Party is terrifying and the possibility of a bi-lateral agreement to ensure off shore processing may seem attractive by way of "snotting" The Greens, it is fraught with danger if any Party has the reigns.

12th Sep 2011, 11:48
Excellent post Frank. The labor government are nothing short of a complete outfit of a#sclowns. It is frightening to see such high level decision making resting in the hands of what can only be the most embarressing conga line of suckholes ever to govern Australia.

These fools have lost the plot, lost their way, lost their sense of reality and are doing to Australia in general what Commandant Joyce has done to Qantas - trashed, pillaged, destroyed and anihilated any semblence of decency, reputation, desirablity or profitability. Team Labor make George W Bush look like a smart leader with political nouse! Absolute nimwits.

The best bit -
CASA also needs to be brought to account to show why it is pasting over safety issues for the Federal Government.
Shhhhhhh, don't tell Minister Fumblenese that they have been fooling him, he will be so upset.
After all, you have a Director, Deputy Director, Associate Director and a full Board (several million dollars worth of taxpayer salaries and bonuses there) all designed to protect the Ministers pimply a#s ! Not doing a good job at it are they??

12th Sep 2011, 16:29
Why do we assume that the government is foolish and incompetent when they appear not to be governing in Australia's best interest?

I fear that they are neither foolish nor incompetent and that they appear so is merely a cunning PR trick!

Frank Arouet
13th Sep 2011, 05:22
The "science IS IN" I am told.

Same Scientists paid for by those vested interests with my money acting in Australia's best interest.:D

So I guess they are right and my initial opinion that everything they have touched has turned to **** is mistaken?

And while Rome burns, CASA fiddles.

13th Sep 2011, 06:38
The phrase, "Whipped with a feather", comes to mind here.

If you think any government is going to get worried about anything to do with aviation then you are seriously deluding yourselves. All governments of all persuasions have ignored aviation for decades. Wake up, it is a non-issue until jets start falling out of the skies on a regular basis. :mad: :ugh:

Frank Arouet
13th Sep 2011, 08:32
God forbid I even think that a smoking hole full of poor bloody innocent pax will be a Port Arthur type catalyst for real reform in aviation.

(God forgive me for even thinking it).

Headlines that lead to reforms of no consequence with idiots running the Australian Troposphere and below. Yes even 6ft below ground level if the Greens get their way with death taxes.:yuk:

Somebody should be whipped with a wet shoe lace at least!