View Full Version : Stuck at a crossroads

25th Aug 2011, 13:25
Hi there,
Had a search around but couldn't find advice the fitted my situation (Although a lot of great information!).
I want to become a proffesional pilot and sadly couldn't apply to the BA FPP that's just opened up as I don't meet the A-Level requirements.
Seeing the BA scheme open up has rekindled my dream of flying big tin cans for a living and I'm looking for some advice abotu where to head next.

I got the relevant GCSEs all fine but stumbled at my A-levels coming out of 6th form with a BDU in Design tech, Physics and Chemistry respecively. Came out and fast forward a year and a bit I've got a job as an Assistant manager.

I'm 20 at the moment, I'm weighing up my options of trying to head into the aviation industry self funded, trying to get through it on my own back. Retaking my A-levels for a year to give me better standing in the future or heading to University to get a Degree, so I can emerge 4 years later and follow my dream.

Has anyone got any advice they could throw my way? I like the sign of the aviation industry picking up with BA committing to fly so many more pilots.

25th Aug 2011, 13:58
my dream of flying big tin cans for a living

Had a search around but couldn't find advice the fitted my situation I don't see any issue with your current situation that might prevent you from getting useful informations from this website. Read a bit more.

Good luck.

25th Aug 2011, 14:02
Okay thanks KAG, I'll have another scour around