View Full Version : Applying to sponsorships with an IMC

3rd Nov 2001, 18:07

A quick question. I have a PPL with Night rating. I would like to apply for sponsorships when they commence in the future. For which scheme (BMI, Air2K, BE, Atlantic etc) would I be overqualified if I had an IMC? I'm quite sure this isnt a problem with BA.

Any help appreciated.

3rd Nov 2001, 20:30
Not a problem with bmi either as far as I know ;)


3rd Nov 2001, 20:35
If BA have no problem with an IMC rating than you can bet the rest don't either. Some even walk in with a twin rating.

4th Nov 2001, 13:46
It is rare that people get in with additional ratings, and the BA policy has been very cautious against those with additional ratings, though those on courses such as military ones/high profile schools have suceeded. I would cautiously advise you not to go for the rating, unless you really need it and can thus justify doing it to an interview board. The reason that it may not be well-received is that it is felt that applicants that have just been building hours not on a course of instruction or those necessary to keep a licence valid, may pick up poor habits that need to be retrained on the sponsorship scheme.

Be careful.

5th Nov 2001, 16:17
I feel that an IMC rating is an excellent rating to have under your belt and really shouldnt make sponsors turn you down. The IMC will let you fly on those days when PPLs cant. Gives you more confidence to get out of trouble when the weather closes in as it often does in the UK. Also it will give a preview of what is involved in the IR rating, giving you a step ahead when starting that part of the course. Surely doing the IMC will show that you are really serious about flying and capable of flying on instruments.
Im in a simular situation as you and I found that the IMC was an excellent course/ rating to do. I am not hopeful in getting sponsored due the intense competition so in the mean time while looking and trying for sponsors am building up hours etc preparing to go the modula route.

good luck


fast cruiser
5th Nov 2001, 18:50
No problem with bmi, however do not do too much after that though ie multi or atpl navs or techs because you will be over qualified for ab-initio