View Full Version : STATEMENT OF INTENT (nz)

6th Jul 2011, 21:26
Statement of Intent 2011 to 2014
I note when perusing the accident rates in NZ GA, that there has been a ZERO improvement over the past 5 years inspite of all the draconian restriction placed on GA

Our Omnipotent lot in NZWN are still living in a dream world of how to improve Flight Safety.
I some times wonder if the Friday mornings( when all new Ideas pour out of Magic Mountain)
That some one must have been on Electric Puha, when they believe that legislation is the cure, and not education!

I am glad I am now out of it,
Aviation that is.


7th Jul 2011, 01:13
Ah yes, but imagine how bad the accident rate would be without those people dreaming up draconian legislation. :E

Bongo Bus Driver
7th Jul 2011, 01:52
Yes but all the education in the world will not stop an idiot from being and idiot. Take a look at smokers who despite having pictures of rotting organs on the package still puff away thinking it will not happen to me. Natural selection is here to stay.