View Full Version : How to record the cockpit voice with Contour+

5th Jul 2011, 05:54
I fly the R22 and have a helmet camera Contour+. I want to know what kind of cable and adapter connected with Contour+ can record the intercom voice during flying! Thank you very much!!

5th Jul 2011, 10:59
I'm not an authority on this but as i understand it, small external mic, plug it into the Contour+, pop it in your headset earcup, Bob's your Uncle!

5th Jul 2011, 14:45
I had a local greenie knock up a lead for my video camera some years ago, with a NATO plug on one end and a 3.5mm jack on the other, then used it with a normal splitter on the headset. Worked a treat!

5th Jul 2011, 18:36
olympus TP-7 (http://www.google.co.uk/products/catalog?client=safari&rls=en&q=olympus+tp-7&oe=UTF-8&redir_esc=&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=13329304546210456919&sa=X&ei=jU4TTqjNEsaxhQejgoXSDQ&ved=0CEcQ8gIwAQ) works perfectly, and no impedence issues as it's a mic.

Be careful with making a lead with a direct output from intercom socket as it must have some sort of attenuation resistor or the signal level will be way too high (in most cases) and will both distort and could damage the contours audio circuitry. It's doable, but I got quoted around £100 from headset services to make the lead, and the olympus works a treat.

John R81
5th Jul 2011, 20:06
Lavalier mic without the tie clip. Inside the ear cup, picks up everything nicely.


You have the kind if headphones where your own voice comes through the coms. I use this on an EC 120 with Bose X headphones and it works. On the R44 it does not get my side of conversations on the radio.

5th Jul 2011, 21:27
A fellow Arizona resident! :eek:

6th Jul 2011, 01:45
Lavalier mic without the tie clip. Inside the ear cup, picks up everything nicely.

Yep ... that works for me too. Although I use a VIO POV.HD specifically because it has a mic in port.

Search yootoob for modificaiton help of the contour, there's plenty out there.